Apr 15, 2009

Connectivism in one minute - PERSONAL LEARNING NODES #16 (Originally posted to Twitwall on Dec. 11, 2008)

When beginning the Connectivism and Connective Knowledge course #cck08 in last September I had the following phone conversation with a colleague. HIM: So, what's connectivism? Put it in one minute. ME: Well, eh... HIM: Ten seconds gone! ME: But, eh... you can't... HIM: Almost half of the time gone...

At this stage my one minute definition for the question "What is connectivism" is:

Connectivism is a learning method which gives an answer to all your questions. All you need to do is to a) Ask all the required questions by yourself and b) Find out all the answers by yourself. This is headline for my #cck08 Final Project!

In my prevoius TwitWall posts I've come to a conclusion that connectivism equals transformative learning - but unevitably added with social web networking elements. The 2.0 ways of learning are necessary because it's impossible to proceed with asking the questions alone - and even more impossible: giving the right answers to oneself, alone. Today's visualization (CC my Flickr):

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