I've listened to Online Educa Berlin Sounds of the bazaar live broadcast through a Facebook Event and tweeted and followed the tweets. What's been special in this particular conference is the feeling of participating - instead of following only. I've got the point that microblogging is one of THE ISSUES this year. I'm quite happy, well fascinated - because there's anyway quite a lot of "what's mircoblogging" etc. questions still in the air - that I've been participating #oeb08 exactly through microblogging.
What microblogging is and how it can be utilized can only be discovered - by starting microblogging. You'll get a lot of nice-to-know information through reading blogs and links included in them - and scientific papers in near future as well - but no theoretical explanation of microblogging will reveal the practical benefits of it. I'll complete the actual survey "Twitter in Conferences" as well - but the following two are the key issues how I became a microblogger and microblogging for me a way to control everyday life.
* HOW I BECAME A MICROBLOGGER? I participated the #cck08 online-course by University of Manitoba: I started to actively use my existing Facebook account (The Wall) as a microblog. I started to actively use my until then stillstanding Twitter account => especially through Twitwall. This has proceeded node by node by sharing learning through blogs of the #cck08 participants and #cck08 Google Groups and Moodle forums. The sharing means in tweet-language "following" and "being followed". In my personal shared learning the process has culminated in using this Twitwall and Flickr in a daily basis = my microblogging main channels.
* HOW MICROBLOGGING HELPS TO CONTROL EVERYDAY LIFE? This is the most important part and also the most difficult to explain - microblogging should simply be started in practice in order to learn it(s benefits). In my personal case I can give the following two examples:
1) I admit that I have had some difficulties in completing projects, and now I don't mean like Big Official Work Projects but the whole of the things necessary to accomplish: Home => work => studying => etc. There always seems to be something undone. This is tiring out. Makes feel like - as there's that much to do, I'll start tomorrow... The above described #cck08 learning process (this particular PART of the whole of it!!) lead into me mircoblogging in form of writing one Personal Learning Node a day and taking One Photo a Day. It may sound very simple. It is. It has though taken me several years to find this simple solution. The Twitwall and the daily photo was a result of trying a number of alternatives learned and discovered by experiencing the #cck08 process. It's a suitably small enough - and some days a suitably big enough effort to be completed every day.
2) I'm following the above described daily writing and photographing process the first weeks now. Already now I've - to my own surprise - started to realize that the daily microblogging forms a continuum I've been lacking in my self-management. The stress in my life is caused by studies performed mostly as distance learning, distirbuted into too small pieces and work which at present is divided into too short projects. Microblogging forms nodes - mesh like construction in my thinking. The consciousness of the node-constructiong process in my thinking is what gives the daily boost of energy. This is a skill that can be learned by practicing. And I'll stop writing this post into this now. Because otherwise I'll get into too theoretical explaining. Microblogging just is something for everyone to DO by oneself.
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