Before the #cck08 I strongly believed that transformative learning => transformation is:
1) The only truth
2) Covers everything needed in management education toward 2020
I wanted to give myself un ultimate possibility to with help of the #cck08 understand where I'm wrong => I've use quite a lot of forcing myself to accept to deny transformation being an answer to all requirements of changing behaviour, methods, communicating etc. re. arranging for learning. The experience has been much tougher than I expected.
The answers I - after the tough times during last 12 weeks - started to find I'm currently putting in practice. And will continue to do so. Without the help of the sharing of the whole #cck08 community this would not - ever maybe!?? - have become real: I'm sharing my learning - one snapshot and one node day.
The following quotation (translated from by Bachelor's Thesis) shows how my transformative understanding looked like before #cck08. I still believe in it. I just begin to find practical ways to ease the pain. And this will be the main goal for me after the #cck08 - to share this experience, understanding and feeling.
"When working together in a learning organization each individual and the organization as a whole should have concrete development tasks. Commitment and systematic proceeding bind the learning and work together. A teacher’s work is traditionally based on the feeling of control and authority. It is relatively easy for a teacher to accept and adopt changes related to classroom practices or learning materials. One’s own beliefs related to social, ethical and pedagogic questions are more difficult to handle and change – they are deeply bound with one’s own identity. Starting to change oneself may seem too difficult and demanding. Transformative – renewing – learning requires a perspective change. The true change – intellectual growth and widening one’s own perspectives – requires rebuilding of one’s own thinking and one’s own inner world. It means a difficult journey of mixed feelings like guilty, inadequacy and loss, failures and even depression. Daring to take this journey and giving it time and effort guarantees new energy – experiences of success and growth, increased sensibleness of learning and work and individual and collective feelings of empowerment."
Source: Järvelä, M-L. 2002. Tavoitteena interkulttuurinen opettajankoulutus. Orientaatioperusta ja epistemologia. In Räsänen, R, Jokikokko, K, Järvelä, M-L & Lamminmäki-Kärkkäinen T. Interkulttuurinen opettajankoulutus. Utopiasta todellisuudeksi toimintatutkimuksen avulla. University of Oulu. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis E 55.
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