Apr 15, 2009

Having chosen from approx. 5000 pieces of connectivism - PERSONAL LEARNING NODES #9 (Originally posted to Twitwall on Dec. 04, 2008)

This artwork by Finnish Janna Syväoja is located at EMMA Museum of Modern Art. It consists of approx. 5000 pieces of jigsaw puzzle, hanging from the ceiling. This visualizes exactly, how the content of the #cck08 course seemed to me in the beginning - well, throughout the course actually. The meaning of the #cck08 revealed to me is that there existed one planned selected frame of reference - where to start to pick up themes and details from and to form new wholes, piece by piece. Otherwise all the pieces would have remained hanging in the air, in the virtual and non-virtual space. CCK08 built the threads binding the pieces together, to a whole - a new kind of whole.

And what's most important: I learned to process the aspired whole piece by piece, one piece at a time. Choosing, keeping and occasionally checking the direction of learning, managing and living is what counts. The amount of pieces processed at one time does not. For this thinking process photoblogging => microblogging and => blogging are excellent ways of action. It can only be learned and discovered by trying, doing, writing, visualizing, chatting, by oneself - and one piece at a time.

(The book I photographed the above picture from: The Saastamoinen Foundation Art Collection: Finnish Art. Edition: Päivi Karttunen. Photography: Ari Karttunen, Matti Ruotsalainen. Saastamoinen Foundation, 2006 (Lönnberg Print).)

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